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Star Stories
Tales from the night sky of Tenerife, brought to you by the guides of the stars!
Star Stories!
The weekly review from the guides of the dark skies!

Well its been a week or so since my last blog and I have been back to the UK in that time.  Whilst there I got to see a few sights with the early evenings.  Orion and Taurus were high in the sky making great viewing whilst I was driving down the dark country lanes of Hertfordshire.  I could see them in all their glory.  Although here in Tenerife they are rising earlier and Taurus is becoming visible before our tour ends and by the time I arrive home I can see them both above my house but seeing them against the backdrop of the rolling hills of the farm land of Hertfordshire was amazing.  Some early mornings waiting for breakfast at the hotel, looking East I could see the bright Venus.  A subject that has been missing for a while from our tours as it is too low at sunset at the minute.  A few family and friends had been asking me on my first night what is that bright star we can see every morning on the way to work?  I took a stab in the dark (well early morning light) and said Venus.  But next morning saw it and confirmed my suspicions.

Last night was my first tour back for only five days and was probably the first time I had realised how fast the night sky moves, changes throughout a month.  There’re some new stars appearing on the horizon and I’m looking forward to being able to add them to the tour.  I usually tell people that summer is best for planets and winter we see more interesting constellations and the dark night skies of Tenerife are not disappointing.  Although we are starting to loose the planets (well the interesting ones to look at anyway) and the core of the Milkyway will leave us by January the stars in the sky are amazing and as great as seeing two famous constellation in the UK was, nothing beats the sheer numbers of stars you can see in the national park here in Tenerife.  I believe anyone who comes to Tenerife should join us at least once on a tour. It’s El “must” de canaries!

“…one of the brightest and long-lasting meteors i have seen this year”

-Stephen Phelps

In my absence the Gaffer, founder and owner of Dark Skies Tenerife Guide, Stephen Phelps, has taken over the reigns of the tour.  So, here’s a little article he wrote for our Facebook page that he asked me to include in this week’s blog talking about some of the sights he has seen this week.

“Some of this week’s guests on our star gazing excursion were fortunate to see one of the brightest and long-lasting meteor I have seen this year. We were looking over to the right of Teide and I was explaining why bright stars twinkle when they lie low in the sky. The star Capella in the Auriga constellation was doing just this and then suddenly from the right-hand side there came a brilliant flash of light travelling almost horizontally and disappeared behind Mount Teide. One of our guests were double lucky as he was looking at Capella through our astro binoculars we use. It got me thinking about meteor showers as I explained what they are and why they are named. Meteors or “shooting stars” are the results of small grains of debris from a comets tail being pulled into the earth atmosphere and burning brightly as the heat up during their descent. The larger grains last longer and burn brighter. Meteor showers are named after the constellation they appear to radiate from. The one we see last night was probably a Taurid from the Taurus constellation. The next big meteor shower peaks on the night of the 13th December although it is possible to get a good show a few days each side of this date The Geminids meteor shower that peaks in the early hours of the 14th December is considered by some to be one of the best meteor showers of the year. It is also unique because its source is an asteroid rather than a comet as some of the meteors are bigger and brighter than normal Meteors are best viewed in the early hours of the morning when the constellation they appear to come from is high in the sky. The best time to watch the Geminids is between 2am and 4am looking north towards Castor & Pollux the two main stars in the Gemini constellation. The moon cooperates that night by setting before midnight so there will be a dark sky in Tenerife.
You can book a night in our star gazing pods on one of the nights around the peak and enjoy the show from the warmth and comfort of a double bed.”

Thanks Steve, we all enjoy seeing meteors and the New WINTER STARGAZING PODS are an excellent place to do it from.  To book give us a call or email.  Well folks until the next time that’s good night from me and it’s good night from him!  See you back here next week for more star stories, this is Stargazing Tenerife team signing out!

Why Dark Skies Tenerife Guide?

  • Bespoke Tour
  • Hotel Pick up & Return
  • Amazing Sunset
  • High Altitude 2100 meters
  • Nasa – “Window to the universe”
  • Top 5 best destination in World to see the stars
  • Qualified Insured Guides
  • Laser guided tour of constellations
  • 12″ Dobsonian Telescope Viewings
  • Astrophotography Courses
  • Astronomy Holidays
  • Stargazing Pods overnight stay

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